Zomato IPO: Zomato plans to raise Rs 8,250 crore in capital through an IPO. It is the first consumer-based Internet startup in the country, which is preparing for listing. In this IPO, a fresh equity share of Rs 7,500 crore will be offered by Zomato. Zomato's IPO was awaited for a long time. It is the first consumer-based Internet startup in the country, which is preparing for listing.
How many shares will the Zomato offer?
In this IPO, a fresh equity share of Rs 7,500 crore will be offered by Zomato. At the same time, there will be a sales offer of Rs 750 crore from Info Edge (India) Limited. The company said the funds from the sale of fresh shares would be used for expansion plans, including acquisitions. Apart from Zomato, Info Edge (India) also has a stake in businesses like Naukri.com and 99 Acres. It has a 19 per cent stake in Zomato.
What does the Zomato have to say?
Demand for food delivery has increased rapidly in the Corona period. In such a situation, Zomato has said that after the lockdown last year, the business was back to normal from the third quarter of the last financial year, when our gross order value reached its highest level. The company has also said that it feels that over time the cost of the company will also increase and the loss of the company may also increase to increase the business.
Zomato IPO Date & Price Band:
Issuer | Zomato |
Issue Type | Book Built Issue IPO |
Issue Period | Issue Opens: 2021 |
Issue Closes: 2021 | |
Price Brand | ₹ to ₹ Per Share |
Issue Size | ₹ 8250 Crores (Approx) |
Face Value | Rs. per Equity Share |
Market Lot | Shares |
Maximum Bid amount for Retail | Rs. Lakhs |
QIB | 50% of the issue size |
NIB | 15% of the issue size |
Retail Individual Bidders | 35% of the issue size |
Offer for Sale | [.] Eq Shares of ₹10 (aggregating up to ₹750.00 Cr) |
Fresh Issue | [.] Eq Shares of ₹10 (aggregating up to ₹7500.00 Cr) |
Listing at | NSE & BSE |